Planter Monitor | DICKEYjohn ISO6
DICKEY-john ISO6 provides population and singulation monitoring for precision planters. Up to 16 stored materials for easy changeover between products.
The DICKEY-john ISO6 Planter monitor is a plug & play system .
- 2, 4, 6 or 8 channels of granular or seeding monitoring
- Up to 16 stored materials for easy changeover between products.
- Display population, seed spacing,& seeds/metre (average &highest/lowest rows) when planter sensors are installed.
- Also see relative population between rows with bargraphs.
- Unlocks allow singulation data &bargraphs to be displayed (16rows max for primary module, extra module for further rows).
- Customisable singulation bargraphs to suit any situation.
- Customisable work screens (up to 4 screens) allow the user to see the information most important to them.